I got really sucked into the blogging world by reading lots of other people's blogs and loving it! I'm looking forward to keeping up with friends and family here, and can't wait to share things the Lord is teaching and showing me, as well as good recipes, books and bargains.
To kick this off, a quick catch up on my life post-college.
February 2004
Kristin and I move to Austin and find teaching jobs.

June 2004
I meet Ryan Assunto at a new member's class at church.

May 2006
We get engaged!

March 2007
We get married!

June 2007
We buy a house.

March 2008
We celebrate our first anniversary in San Francisco.

May 2008
We welcome the first new member of our family, Bella.

Hi, Allison! Welcome to the blogging world. :)
P.S. I love your background!
I'm am...HYPED!!!! Nice first entry!
love the blog!
Yeah!! So glad you entered the world of blogging! Your design is SO cute! I'm adding you to my daily reads! :)
hercules! i'm so excited. excuse me...that background is super cute...how did you do that?
Love the new blog, but I'm pretty sure you forgot to mention to me that it was stinkin' adorable! How did you do the background and header? Maybe if mine was cuter, I'd actually do something with it.
hey cool kid! welcome to blogville... i am SO excited you started it up.
you have got to share your secret for how you already have the cutest blog on the block. i'm way impressed!
Hi there, pretty girl! I know what you mean about Christmas decorations being out already. A favorite shop of mine here in Beaumont (Ellis's) was putting out holiday decorations for Halloween on July 6th!!! Other aisles had Thanksgiving and Christmas offerings! Amazing!
I love the blog! Especially, your background, which features the title to one of my all-time favorite songs, "Feels Like Home"! Glad you and Ryno like it, too! The photos are awesome! BUT, you really should feel 'easy' about writing; you do it very well!
I look forward to more posts!
I love you,
PS: Hi, Kristin!
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