Saturday, February 19, 2011

Books, books, and more books!

Over in the Assunto house, we LOVE to read. We think Blythe is starting to catch the vibe...


Adrienne said...

She is sooo cute! I love how she is reading so intently! My kinda girl!

Vicki said...

CUTE!! I am LOVING seeing these bows in her hair!!

Liz said...

Go BEA! I'm LOVING that last outfit! And I have GOT to start reading to Charlie... I've been so bad about not doing that. :/ said...

This just thrills my old reader-soul!!! Can't wait to be reading to/with her myself! Y'all are good peeps! said...

This just thrills my old reader-soul!!! Can't wait to be reading to/with her myself! Y'all are good peeps!