Let me preface this whole post by saying that I felt I owed it to our first child, Bella, to let her star on the blog before Baby Assunto gets here in August. It just seemed right. I am fully aware that what you are about to see is completely and totally ridiculous. I am not fooled. Our dog things that she is a human or that we are a part of her litter.
That being said, under certain circumstances even my closest friends will not want to read this post. (and you know who you are)
Because ...
1. You only kiiind of like dogs.
2. You are totally grossed out by dogs on furniture in homes (which I am too if things are not kept clean)
3. You can't appreciate snugly animals.
4. You don't like animals who think they're humans.
5. You despise humans who would encourage this behavior.
If you are very much okay with all five of those things, let me introduce you to my best best best buddy, Bella. We found her litter when she was 2 weeks old and got to take her home at 7 weeks. The lady we purchased her from let us come over as often as we wanted to play with the puppies in the litter, and we took full advantage.
One of my main goals is raising B was for her to be veeery cuddly. I even gave her treats when she was little so that she would snuggle. (sad? yes.) She took to the whole concept quite nicely, as you can see...
A good snuggler before she even has her eyes open

Snuggling with Ryan for the first time

We sure did eat the words, "She will neeeeever be on the sofa." She was just too cute.

Snuggling with her tongue out

I thought she'd grow out of it as she got bigger, but I was way wrong. In fact, her desire to snuggle might have gotten worse. Scary.

Not sure what brought this on

She can even snuggle alone

After a day at the lake

One of my all time favorites
And her new snuggle buddy, Baby Assunto

I think it would be safe to say that we love our dog... a lot. We're not nervous that she'll get put on the back burner with a new baby in the house because we know that will be the case. But, we look forward to lots of photo opps of the two babies together.